Naturebase will deliver information grounded in science, lighting up pathways to protect, manage, and restore nature for measurable climate benefits. Bringing together the latest research, policies, and feasibility considerations, Naturebase will guide near-term action for decision-makers, practitioners, resource managers, and investors.
Farmers, foresters, governments, and local communities will learn where to deploy natural climate solutions to achieve their climate targets in consideration of their own needs and interests.
Users will be able to explore and compare target areas across forests, wetlands, grasslands, and agricultural lands, while considering issues such as land tenure, opportunity cost, financing opportunities, and enabling conditions.
Tap on each feature to learn more.
Click on each feature to learn more.
Natural climate solutions are ready to be deployed now, across the globe.
From south to north, east to west, people have been taking action and leading the way to unlock the power of nature for our collective future.
Dominican republic
Dominican republic
Discover how people and organisations worldwide are investing in initiatives that protect, restore and improve land management.
Nature-based solutions work to protect, sustainably manage, and restore ecosystems in ways that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively.
They are based on science that demonstrates how healthy ecosystems can serve as allies in addressing our most critical challenges such climate change, disaster risk reduction, food and water security, and human health.
Learn more about the nature-based approaches to mitigate climate change (also known as natural climate solutions), which avoid emissions and enhance sequestration across forests, wetlands, grasslands and agricultural lands.
Naturebase is set to launch ahead of the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference COP28 and Global Stocktake in 2023.
We need your help. Sign up to join the naturebase community & test our beta version of the tool.
If you would like to provide feedback or submit your case studies please contact us at
© 2022 Naturebase by Nature4Climate